SSC/Dakhil Routine 2022 PDF Download All Madrasah Board Dakhil

Madrasa Education Board has published Madrasa Dakhil Exam Routine 2022. Madrasah Board Dakhil Exam Routine 2022 PDF Download. The deferred submission exam will start on 15 September 2022 AD. from the date.

Note: Madrasa Board Deferred Entry Exam Routine 2022 Released. The deferred submission examination will be held as per the new routine schedule from September 15. The revised new submission routine can be gleaned from the following report.

Madrasah Dakhil Exam Routine (Schedule) 2022: Dakhil Exam Routine 2022 PDF Download

Bangladesh Madrasa Education Board has published the exam routine (schedule) for Madrasa Dakhil 2022 candidates.

8 August 2022 AD. On the official website of the board (, the routine containing the examination schedule is published on the date. (See Revised Schedule of Submission Test in the paragraph below.

Also, a copy of the submission test routine is attached in the following paragraph of this report. From here you can easily know the details about the exam schedule.

The 2022 Dakhil Exam will be held on Short Syllabus. Besides, the number of questions and full marks will be reduced in this exam.

Dakhil Exam 2022: Short Syllabus & Mark Breakup of Exam

The Madrasa Board published the short syllabus and distribution of questions for submission long ago. Read the report below for details.

Revised Schedule of Madrasa Board Entrance Examination 2022

According to board information, madrasa submission and general 9 board SSC exam will start on the same day. Submission and General Board SSC Exam will start on 15/09/2022 AD. The dates are from Thursday.

The theory test except for the practical subject of submission will end on 03/10/2022 AD. The date is Monday.

The practical subject examination will be conducted from Monday 10/10/2022 to 15/10/2022 AD. Date till Saturday.

Dakhil Routine-2022

If you find any ambiguity in the copy of the routine attached above, collect the original PDF copy of it published by the Madrasa Education Board from here.

Know the urgent instructions of the board to the candidates and center secretaries from the following paragraph.

Madrasa Board Special Instructions to be followed regarding Dakhil Examination

The Madrasa Education Board has issued 13 special instructions aimed at conducting the Dakhil Examination smoothly. All those concerned with the examination must follow these instructions.

1. 30 (thirty) minutes before the commencement of the examination, candidates must take their seats in the examination room.

2. The test should be taken according to the time mentioned in the question paper. The examination time of all subjects will be 02 (two) hours. In the case of a creative subject, 20 minutes will be allotted for the MCQ subject, and 1 hour, and 40 minutes for CQ.

3. First the multiple choice and then the creative/compositional (theory) test will be conducted and there will be no break between the two tests.

4. Candidates should collect their admit card from the head of their institution at least three days before the commencement of the examination.

5. Physical Education, Health Science, and Sports (142) and Career Education (145) subjects will be provided by the educational institutions to the respective centers through continuous assessment as per NCTB guidelines.

The concerned center will send the marks obtained in the continuous assessment along with the marks of the practical examination online on the website of the board.

6. Candidates will fill the circle in the OMR form of their respective answer sheet by writing roll number, registration number, subject code, etc. appropriately. Under no circumstances should the answer sheet be folded.

7. Candidates have to pass creative/compositional (theoretical), multiple choice, and practical sections separately.

8. Every candidate can appear in the examination of the subject/subjects mentioned in the registration card only. Under no circumstances will he be able to participate in the examination in a different subject.

9. Candidates can use a non-programmable” scientific calculator in the exam.
10. No one other than the Secretary will be allowed to bring and use mobile phones in the examination center. The Central Secretary can use normal (non-Android) mobile phones for communication purposes.

11. The same signature script should be used for the candidate’s appearance in creative/compositional (theoretical), multiple choice, and practical tests.

12. The practical test will be held at self-centers. However, if the central madrasa does not have a science department, the practical examination will be held in the madrasa having a science department.

13. Application for re-verification can be made online through SMS within 07 (seven) days of publication of exam results.

Know the details of the urgent instructions of the board to the appearing candidates from the notification below.

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