Sylhet Metropolitan Police is a police organization based in Sylhet metropolice. It was born in 2009. It is the largest metropolitan police organization in Bangladesh by size.
Applications are invited from genuine Bangladeshi citizens of the following districts through the online website for the recruitment of the vacant posts at the Sylhet Metropolitan Police job.
Let’s know more details according to the SMP Job Circular 2023 and job circular 2023. Sylhet Metropolitan Police job circular 2023 is one of the most tempting govt Job Circular 2023 in Bangladesh. If you are interested in working at this job, you can apply online at
The online application will start on 6 December 2023 at 10 AM.
The online application deadline is 3 January 2024 at 5 PM.
SMP_CIRCULAR_2023_11_29Apply this job you can click this link: Apply
This job circular offers various categories of posts for job applications. any educated person has applied for this job with their educational recruitment and qualification. and another post for this job cataloger job post, assistant cum-computer, assistant sut-cum-computer typist, and assistant office post. So you are interested in any job post you apply for before the deadline for this job.
Sylhet Metropolitan Police Headquarter(SMP)
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See more details job vacancy for Sylhet Metropolitan Police circular 2023-24 click in this link:
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