SSC New Exam Routine 2022 PDF All EDUCATION BOARD

SSC Routine 2022: The education board has released the SSC exam routine of all the education boards. The Secondary School Certificate Examination of the 9 General Education Boards of the country will be held in the same routine. SSC Exam Routine 2022 PDF Download (All Board).

SSC Exam Routine 2022 (Revised): SSC Routine PDF Download 2022 (All Board).

Dhaka Education Board has published the SSC (Secondary School Certificate) examination schedule (routine) of all general education boards of the country.

31 July 2022 AD. Date On the official website of the Dhaka Board, the exam routine with the SSC exam schedule is published.

Board exam controller and inter-education board exam controller committee convener Professor S. M. The examination routine signed by Amirul Islam will be applicable to all the education boards of the country.

This time the exam will be held in 2 hours based on a short syllabus reducing the number of questions. The board has already given instructions regarding the exam syllabus, the number of questions, and its meaning.

This routine is published for the 9 general education boards of the country such as the Dhaka, Rajshahi, Comilla, Jessore, Chittagong, Barisal, Sylhet, Dinajpur, and Mymensingh boards.

SSC Exam Revised Routine 2022 PDF Download
SSC exam 2022 will start on 15/09/2022 AD. The dates are from Thursday.

The theory Test will be completed (Except Practical) on 01/10/2022 AD. The date is Saturday.

A practical examination will be conducted from 10/10/2022 to 15/10/2022 AD.

Each exam (theory) will start from 11 am to 1 pm.


An image copy of the SSC exam routine published by the board is attached below. From here you can know the schedule of secondary exams on all education boards.

If there is any ambiguity regarding the exam schedule in the above image, collect the original copy of the boarding routine from here.

The Dhaka Board has given 14 instructions for the examinees, center secretary, and examination-related persons in the SSC routine of all the boards published. Special instructions are given to all to follow these instructions.

Board Special Instructions for SSC 2022 Candidates

1. 30 (thirty) minutes before the commencement of the examination, candidates must take their seats in the examination room.

2. Exam should be taken according to the time mentioned in the question paper.

3. First the multiple choice and then the creative/compositional (theory) test will be conducted and there will be no break between the two tests.

The time for the multiple choice test is 20 minutes and the time for the creative essay test is 1 hour 40 minutes.

4. Candidates should collect their admit card from the head of their institution at least three days before the commencement of the examination.

5. In the case of candidates of all academic years in physical education, health science and sports, and career education subjects, the marks obtained through continuous evaluation as per NCTB guidelines will be provided by the educational institutions to the concerned center.

The concerned center will send the marks obtained in the continuous assessment along with the practical test marks online on the board website.

6. Candidates should fill the circle in the OMR form of their respective answer sheets by writing their examination roll number, registration number, subject code, etc. appropriately. Under no circumstances can the answer sheet be fried.

7. Candidates have to pass creative/compositional (theoretical), multiple choice, and practical sections separately.

8. Each candidate can participate in the examination of the subject/subjects mentioned in the registration form only. Under no circumstances will he be able to participate in the examination in a different subject.

9. A candidate’s examination (creative/composite (theoretical), multiple choice, and practical) will not be held in his own school/institute. Seats should be arranged through the transfer of candidates.

10. Candidates can use the non-programmable scientific calculator in the exam.

11. No other person/examinee can bring and use the mobile phone in the examination center except the center secretary.

12. The same attendance sheet shall be used for the candidate’s appearance in Creative/Compositional (Theory), Multiple Choice, and Practical Examinations.

13. Practical tests will be held at respective centers/venues.
14. Application for re-verification can be made online through SMS within 07 (seven) days of publication of exam results.


Dhaka Education Board.

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