Which exam is a day for admission in Dhaka University?

The first-year admission test of Dhaka University will start on October 1. The matter has been confirmed to Jugantar by the Vice-Chancellor (Education) of the University, Professor ASM Maksud Kamal. He said the decision to postpone the test was taken considering the current situation. In this situation, admission tests could not be conducted in any way. We don’t want to do anything at the risk of students ’lives. There is also the issue of the safety of our teachers.

Dhaka University Admission Test Schedule:

A unit 1 October

Unit B 2 October

C unit 22 October

D unit 23 October

F unit 9 October

Besides, the admission test of the science department of seven colleges affiliated with Dhaka University will be held on October 29, the admission test of the arts and social science department will be held on October 29, and the admission test of the business department will be held on November 5.